Frequently asked questions

Renting an apartment

Where are Joo rental apartments located?
Who can rent a Joo apartment?
Renting a Joo apartment
How can I arrange a viewing? Can I rent an apartment without seeing it first?
How soon can I move in and how do I get the keys?
Do I need to pay a deposit?
Should I take out home insurance?
What about electricity, water and internet?
Are pets welcome in Joo Kodit rental apartments?
How long is the tenancy agreement valid?

Rent bills

Any questions about rent bills?


What is Jooppi and who can use it?
How do I sign up to Jooppi?
I forgot my password / I want to change my password, what should I do?
What should I do, if I don't have a Finnish bank ID?
Can I download Jooppi to my devices?
What should I do if Jooppi doesn’t work?

Living in a Joo rental apartment

Where can I find the move-in inspection checklist?
How can I get in touch with the maintenance company?
What should I do if something needs fixing in the apartment?
What are the costs if I lose my keys or accidentally break something in the apartment?
What can I hang up on the walls of my apartment?
Any questions about rent bills?
Can I rent a parking space?
How can I book a sauna shift or a laundry shift?
How can I use the shared car of the apartment complex?
Am I allowed to smoke in the apartment?
How can I order more keys?
Someone new is moving in. Who should I inform?
Can I exchange one Joo Kodit apartment for another?

Ending the tenancy

How do I terminate my tenancy of the apartment or parking space?
How long is the notice period for tenants?
Where can I find the end of tenancy cleaning instructions?
When will I get my deposit back?
Where do I return my keys?

For companies

Where are Joo rental apartments located?
How can I rent an apartment for a company?
How long is the tenancy agreement?
How quickly can we get an apartment?
Can I book an apartment for a company online?
Are pets welcome in Joo Kodit rental apartments?
How does rent billing work for corporate customers?
Which of your apartments are available furnished?
What is Joo+ and Joo Premium?
Is is possible to influence the interior design?
What is included in the rent?
Are cleaning services available?
Is home insurance needed?
Can I rent a parking space?
How can I get the key to the apartment?
Who should residents contact for questions or service requests during their stay?
How can I book the services of Joo Fixer?
What if something gets damaged in the apartment?
Is smoking allowed in the apartments?
How long is the notice period and how should the tenancy agreement be terminated?
Who is responsible for the move-out cleaning?
Where are the keys returned?
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Looking for a new rental apartment?

If you answered Joo, take a look at our available apartments. You’re also welcome to give us a call and tell us about your ideal home. The Joo team is always here for you.