Experiences of Joo Kodit homes in Nokia

Niina's experiences of Joo Kodit in Nokia

Niina Jormanainen and her family moved to a Joo Kodit apartment in Puroniitty, Nokia, in spring 2024.

– It felt like an easy option, very straightforward. You could book the apartment directly online, Niina explains.

Niina knows from experience that living arrangements aren’t always so simple. She and her husband used to own a detached house built in the 1980s, but after a continuous cycle of renovations, they saw renting as a more carefree option. The costs of living in a rental apartment are the same each month, with no surprises.

– Just a few years ago, we would never have considered living in an apartment. Now, we live on the top floor of a block of flats, and we think we'll never, ever move out of here! A detached house is just no longer an option for our family.

The size of their current apartment is 42 m², which is perfectly sufficient for the three of them. The family also includes two adult children who have already moved out. One has an apartment a few floors below in the same building, while the other lives a nearby Joo Kodit apartment complex. Everyone enjoys living in their Joo Kodit homes. – The customer service is great and the apartments are lovely, Niina explains. In this video, Niina shares her experiences about life with Joo Kodit, interviewed by Mia Haataja.

Living in Nokia

Niina describes Nokia as a laid-back town.

– It’s lovely here, as people smile and stop for a chat.

BC Nokia's basketball stars who have lived in Joo Kodit apartments share Niina's opinion. You can read about the experiences of Both Gach, Tomas Murphy, Tucker Richardson, Hugo Boman, and Fiifi Aidoo here.

Nokia is a chilled-out place to live, combining a diverse offering of culture and history with excellent sports facilities. The city of Tampere is just a 15-minute train ride away. Learn more about Nokia here.

Find out about the best nature trails, bike routes, and outdoor exercise spots in Nokia.


Explore Joo Kodit rental apartments in Nokia