Need help fixing up your new home? Ask Joo Fixer

Joo Fixers

At its best, decorating and fixing up your new home is both fun and inspiring, but sometimes the practical issues turn out to be a challenge. Putting your cherished pictures and photos on the wall or installing a ceiling lamp without a ladder and tools can leave you feeling stuck.

Thankfully, as a Joo Kodit resident, you can now request free help from our Joo Fixers to help get your new home ready. Our professionals are happy to hang your pictures and mirrors, install light fixtures, and even connect your washing machine. They'll bring all the necessary tools with them, so you can just sit back and relax. How's that for convenience!

Until now, this service has only been available in Espoo, Kirkkonummi, Oulu, and Turku, but we're pleased to add Vantaa, Sipoo, Kerava, and Porvoo to the list. Next up is Tampere, where Joo Fixer will be available later this spring.

Joo Fixer

According to Janne, our Joo Fixer at Espoo and Kirkkonummi, residents have been extremely enthusiastic about the free service.

"It's been great to see how happy the residents have been with our visits. Getting positive feedback always makes our day!" he says.

Read more about the Joo Fixer service here.
