How to get started with winter swimming? Read Roosa's tips for first-timers

How to get started with winter swimming?

The popularity of winter swimming has soared in recent years, and people often get hooked after trying it just once. Could winter swimming become your new favorite hobby, too? Joo team's winter swimming veteran Roosa shares her 5 top tips for taking that first plunge.

1. Start off lightly

You'll get more used to the cold every time you go, but on your first try a small dip is enough to leave you feeling refreshed. Don't set yourself unrealistic goals; just plunging in is a victory! You can read more about the benefits and health effects of winter swimming here.

2. Remember to breathe

Conscious breathing is essential when you get into the water. Cold water can easily trigger a shock reaction in your body, resulting in fast breathing. To make the experience as relaxing as possible, focus on breathing through your mouth and enter the water slowly. This, too, gets easier with time.

3. Bring your hat and gloves

Cold is felt particularly acutely in your body's extremities like toes, fingers, and head. Many winter swimmers use special swimwear and gloves, which are available in sports stores. Wool socks and mittens also serve as insulation, but if you get bitten by the winter swimming bug, you'll appreciate having proper gloves and swimwear! Don't forget to wear a hat to keep your head warm.

winter swimming

4. Keep your arms close to your body

Keeping your arms close to your body, with your armpits covered, also makes being in the water easier, as you lose heat quickly via the armpits.

5. Share your hobby with your friend

You should never swim alone, so make sure to grab a friend to join you. Friends are also great for encouragement when you feel like staying at home instead!

+ bonus tip: the best winter swimming spots in Oulu

So, where should you try out winter swimming? Check's out Roosa's recommendations for winter swimming in Oulu here.
