Getting to know the neighbours in our spring events

Kevään asukastapahtumissa on tutustuttu naapureihin

What is it like to live in a community where you know your neighbours? After all, it's even more nicer to bump into your neighbour in the stairwell when it's someone you enjoy a chat with! One way to make friends with your neighbours is by taking part in the many residents' events that we at Joo Kodit organise throughout the year. During the spring, these included planting events and evening activities, and in Hämeenlinna we went on an excursion to Lake Aulangonjärvi. Take a look at the photos to see what fun we had!

Planting flowers with neighbours

Planting events have been organised in Kirkkonummi, Nurmijärvi, Porvoo and Oulu, among others. Here, neighbours have planted flowers in their yards and put carrots, onions and lettuce to grow in green boxes. Some residents turned out to have quite green fingers. Let's enjoy the fruits of our own soil this summer!

2024 05 07 Kukkien istutusta Kirkkonummen Tolsa (10)

2024 05 07 Kukkien istutusta Kirkkonummen Tolsa (12)

2024 05 07 Kukkien istutusta Kirkkonummen Tolsa (3)

2024 05 07 Kukkien istutusta Kirkkonummen Tolsa (4)-2

Hot dogs and yard games? Joo!

We also got to enjoy hot dogs and outdoor games in our spring evening events. These evenings involving both food and fun activities took place in Kerava and Vantaa, among other locations. Did you get a chance to try the famous Joo beanbag game yet?

Hernepussipeli Ahjon asukastapahtuma 2024 04 17 (3)-3

Ahjon asukastapahtuma 2024 04 17 (1)

Ahjon asukastapahtuma 2024 04 17 (4)

Ahjon asukastapahtuma 2024 04 17 (2)

Residents' summer excursion to Lake Aulangonjärvi

Hämeenlinna residents spent a wonderful summer day at Lake Aulangonjärvi. The weather was lovely, putting a smile on everyone's face. After the excursion, snacks were served at the local campsite, and anybody who wanted to do so could take a refreshing dip in the lake. Yet another perk of living in a Joo Kodit home: hiking excursions are within such easy reach!


Aulangonjärven retki 1

Aulagonjärven retki 3

Check out the atmosphere on our social media!

Pictures are worth a thousand words, but are videos worth a thousand pictures? Check out some of our residents' events on our social media. And be sure to comment on the video if you've attended one of our events!


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