BC Nokia players Aamos, Tomas and Fiifi present: welcome to my crib!
What kind of things do Finnish basketball champions want from their homes? At least carefreeness and a short trip to the training hall. The players of the BC Nokia men's team will introduce you to their Joo Kodit homes in Nokia. By the way, they can all be found in the same apartment block!
See how Aamos Nikula, Fiifi Aidoo and Tomas Murphy live
Tule meille sisällöntuottajaksi! Etsimme nyt määräaikaista sisällöntuottajaa Joo Kotien Kauniaisten toimipisteelle.
Haemme nyt kesätyöntekijöitä pääkaupunkiseudulle, Tampereelle ja Ouluun. Tule osaksi lämminhenkistä työyhteisöämme!
Employer-provided and subsidised accommodation are two different things, even though the terms are related and both describe housing offered by the employer to the employee.