How to get to know your neighbours? 6 tips for getting started

Get to know your neighbours

When studies, work, or life's changes take you to a new town, your apartment complex is full of potential friends. Yet, it’s not always easy to ring a stranger’s doorbell. So, how do you get started when you want to get to know your neighbours? Check out our Community Manager Hanna-Maria Kiljo’s tips for more communal living in a block of flats.

1. Say hi with a smile!

Small gestures and being genuine help build a positive atmosphere. After you've exchanged hellos and smiles in the hallway or yard, you can ask something about the apartment complex or the neighbourhood next time. Little by little, it becomes easier to move on to deeper conversations!

2. Make the most of communal spaces

Making use of the communal spaces in your apartment complex is a wonderfully natural way to meet your neighbours. Who knows, you might find a running buddy in the communal sauna or a new best friend in the laundry room while waiting for your wash cycle to finish.

Many of the Joo Kodit laundry rooms offer table football to keep residents entertained during their weekly wash. The Joo Hetki residents' cafe in Oulu is designed for hanging out together, whether for studies, remote work, or just a cup of coffee.

3. Get involved in neighbourhood events

Neighbourhood events in a relaxed setting provide ample opportunities for friendships to take off. Best of all, the events that interest you are likely to attract other like-minded people. Neighbours who join in outdoor clean-ups enjoy being outside, while board game nights or book clubs can connect you with friends who share your indoor hobbies. We organise events for our residents all year round. You can check out the atmosphere in last spring’s events in Joo Mag here.

Joo Kodit residents also get together for basketball, running, and bowling. If you don’t see an event that looks right for you, you can always organise one yourself – or even better, together with a neighbour!

4. Invite a neighbour to join you outside

Why not make your neighbour happy by inviting them for a walk, run, or bike ride? You could, for example, ask a longer-term resident to show you the best running routes. For pet owners, a trip to the nearest dog park is a definite winner. If you're lucky, it might spark some furry friendships too!

5. Lend a hand when needed

Offering to help a neighbour with heavy moving boxes or giving them a lift can make a big difference. Once the job is done, you can bond over a well-deserved coffee or meal together. You'll soon find that by helping others, you also get help in return, while the apartment complex thrives with a sense of mutual support.

Being there for each other is a key part of community life at Joo Kodit. Our Joo Fixers provide small installation services free of charge, such as hanging pictures, fitting lights, and installing washing machines. In some of our apartment complexes, we even offer free bike maintenance.

6. Join local social media groups

Join conversations, ask for advice, or suggest activities. Active online communities often come to life in the real world too! How about starting a regular running group or a cooking club? At Joo Kodit, initiatives like these have often started from social media groups!

People would love to know their neighbours

According to our research, almost one in three people renting an apartment from various companies has felt lonely at home, and most would love to get to know their neighbours, Kiljo explains.

This sparked Joo Kodit's goal to enhance communities in rental living. Kiljo is one of Finland's first community managers for rental apartments, and she finds her role both exciting and motivating.

My job involves planning and organising events and activities that promote community spirit. I know I'm in a really important role because we've received incredibly positive feedback from residents about our activities.


Turn neighbours into friends!